Friday, May 2, 2008

The Unborn child of Iraq, victim of American callousness
Publication time: 7 November 2005, 16:32

Image: Two Iraqi children with similar deformities of the face. Dr. Gunther refers to this condition as “Zyklopie”.

Before I start on the disclosure of the horrifying impact of the extremely hazardous bombing materials thoughtlessly used by the US military during the gulf war, I would to like to substantiate these revelations by referring the crucial statement of Mr. Ross B. MirKarimi, at The Arms Control Research Center:

"Unborn children of the region [are] being asked to pay the highest price, the integrity of their DNA."

- Ross B. MirKarimi, The Arms Control Research Centre, from his report: ‘The Environmental and Human Health Impacts of the Gulf Region with Special Reference to Iraq.’ May 1992.

Horrific birth deformities continue to occur at an alarming scale in Iraq. I urge all viewers to copy this page/ these pictures and circulate them as widely as possible and help expose the ghastly outcome of the chemical war initiated by the US during the Gulf war.

In an act of harsh spitefulness under the US directive, the Sanctions Committee scandalously refuses to permit Iraq to import the clean-up equipment that they urgently require to neutralize their country of the Depleted Uranium ammunition that the US inanely shelled at them during the gulf war. Around 315 tons of Depleted Uranium dust was left by the use of this extremely hazardous ammunition.

Displaying utter disregard to the plight of those whose lives continue to be affected by the exposure of deleterious chemicals used by the US in bombs and missiles, the Sanctions Committee even to this day shamelessly refuses to allow the much needed importation of anti-cancer treatments, ridiculously on the grounds that the minute “traces” of radio-isotopes present in these anti cancer prescription amount to nuclear materials!

The majority of the pictures were supplied to Mr. Ross by a source who prefers to remain anonymous. However, Mr. Ross was unable to acquire either original negatives, or prints from negatives. According to Mr. Ross they arrived in the form of colour A4 copies. He scanned them into Photoshop and attempted to clean and sharpen them as best He could. There has not been any digital alteration other than the cleaning and sharpening process. Also, according to Mr. Ross the photographs were taken from 1998 onwards.

Most scientists point towards Depleted Uranium as the definite cause of these terrible deformities and various cancers.

Shockingly, both the Pentagon and the British Ministry of Defence publicly deny that there is any significant danger from exposure to “DU ammunition”.

The growing number of these kinds of “grave” diseases in Iraq, mainly in the South region owing to the maximum absorption of Depleted Uranium fired from US missiles, is startling enough to cause a world wide emergency pressing for a rapid response to counteract the pandemic cal situation.

But, the world continues to ignore the worst Humanitarian crises, owing to the “iniquitous command “of the USA in order to subjugate the region for its self- interest.

Sadia Masroor
Kavkaz Center

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